Open Hours: Mon - Fri 8.00 am - 6.00 pm

Web Development Design & Maintenance

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Let our company bring your dream web presence to life!

Our web development services are designed to tailor-make web applications that meet your business needs. We specialize in creating user-friendly web applications and websites to optimize user experience, delivering high-quality solutions for optimal business outcomes while ensuring data safety. With our highly skilled team, we offer intuitive, cost-effective, robust, and secure custom cloud-based application development services.

Custom Web Development:    Discover the power of custom-designed web applications built from the ground up to meet your unique business needs. Our solutions encompass Enterprise Resource Planning, Interactive Gaming, Online Training, E-Commerce, courses, Customer Relationship Management, and more. Let us bring your vision to life with our custom web application services.

Web API development :  Our custom web APIs are designed to facilitate cross-platform integration, significantly enhancing the usability of your applications. Integrating with other applications can increase user engagement and provide a more comprehensive user experience.

Application Migration and Re-engineering:     Let us handle the seamless migration of your software applications between platforms, ensuring a smooth transition from data center to cloud. We’ll also ensure your existing applications are optimally aligned with your latest business requirements and cutting-edge technology, providing you with a worry-free migration experience.

Custom CRM & ERP Solutions:   Transform your customer engagement and streamline operations with personalized ERP and CRM solutions. Tailor-made to meet your specific business requirements and workflow, our custom solutions will elevate productivity and deliver maximum value for your business.

Benefits from our Services

We transform your business ideas into advanced, resilient, highly scalable custom web applications that can adapt to your business expansion. We understand what sets an application apart, so we utilize various up-to-date frameworks, databases, APIs, and technologies to give our clients an edge in their markets.

  • Seamlessly integrate with any business application
  • Empower your business with responsive custom web application development
  • Benefit from a well-structured agile process
  • Experience agility, transparency, scalability, and security
  • Stay ahead with easy, on-demand upgrades and new features
  • Maximize ROI through streamlined business processes
  • Stay up-to-date with on-demand application upgrades
  • Stand out with unique branding using custom code
  • Automate repetitive tasks for increased efficiency
  • Tailor workflows to fit the needs of all stakeholders
  • Enjoy both intranet and internet-based solutions
  • Build on a robust information architecture


Adaptive maintenance:   We guarantee that your application stays adaptable to changes in the operating environment through fine-tuning and updating, ensuring its optimal performance. With adaptive maintenance, the application remains stable even under altered conditions, preventing it from becoming outdated. 

Corrective maintenance  :    Carry out necessary repairs to address and eliminate bugs and malfunctions that could compromise your application’s quality. You can significantly enhance user experience and maximize your ROI by resolving defects and bugs. insightful reports consistently.

Preventive maintenance: Identifying and proactively addressing potential issues will help to safeguard your application’s performance and ensure its long-term stability. By enhancing existing features and streamlining functionality, we can optimize your application’s capabilities while minimizing unnecessary components.

Server migration:  Get assistance with server migration challenges caused by unforeseen operational demands, increased costs, and inefficient processes. Ensure data storage for application-related data access and higher security.

Maintenance and support features

Experience seamless performance for your websites and applications with our proactive support services. We are always one step ahead, providing continuous updates, enhancements, re-design, re-development, and site speed optimization to meet your recurring needs.


  • Analyzing website quality and traffic
  • Monitoring uptime 24/7
  • Upgrading and optimizing web pages
  • Creating new landing pages
  • Troubleshooting technical issues
  • Adding events, blogs, news & updates and linking them with the main menu
  • Updating security headers
  • Fixing 404 errors
  • Optimizing page speed and correcting SEO as per Digital team guidelines
  • Archiving old data
  • Maintaining Google Analytics and website console

Our key differentiators distinguish us in the market

We are dedicated to providing unparalleled support and maintenance services, ensuring your applications operate smoothly and efficiently. Trust us to scale and secure your software, websites, and applications for optimal performance.

  1. Stable and Secure:  Receive top-notch, end-to-end maintenance and support services tailored to your business’s unique needs.
  2. Backups & Recovery:  You can trust that your valuable business data is safely stored on our external AWS servers. To ensure top-tier data protection, take advantage of our on-demand and routine check-ups, automated backup, and uptime monitoring.
  3. Customized billing: We provide
    • Tailored billing options to suit your needs.
    • Offering hourly billing.
    • On-demand support.
    • Monthly retainer choices.
  4. On-time support: As we collaborate with clients across different time zones, we are committed to providing prompt support through calls, email, and WhatsApp. Our dedicated team ensures that we adjust our working hours to deliver efficient maintenance services, guaranteeing uninterrupted support for all your needs.

5. Automation:  We are big fans of automation, which shows in our support process. Equipped with an array of automation, testing, and security tools, we have the edge in delivering top-notch maintenance and support services. 

6. SLA driven support: Our support team is committed to providing timely and efficient service tailored to each ticket’s priority level: critical, urgent, high, and moderate.


  • Bootloader development
  • Yocto Linux porting and customization
  • Boot time and performance optimization
  • Linux desktop applications
  • Linux platform drivers
  • Linux-based internet solutions
  • Kernel level coding

Web Development Case studies

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Feel free to dop us a line

Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi optio cumque nihil impedit quo minus id quod maxime facere possimus. 

95 FF3, App Street Avenue
NSW 96209, Canada

Opening Hours:

Mon – Fri: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm

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